Method: The normal blood samples of72cases were examined by using of staining solution with different ion concentration under a microscope. 方法:采用不同离子浓度的染色液对72例血红蛋白正常血标本进行检查分析。
We analysed comparatively the four methods for decreasing background staining, the effects of PAP and double bridge PAP methods and the influences on the staining by various concentrations of the antibodies and hydrogen peroxide in DAB solution. 分析比较减低背景着色的四种方法、PAP与双桥PAP法的染色效果,以及各种抗体和DAB液中H2O2浓度对染色效果的影响。
By changing/ improving the preparation, ratio, concentration and pH value of the staining solution, the cultured specimen of Trichomonas vaginalis was better observed. 作者在制作阴道毛滴虫染色标本中,采用盖玻片推片,在染液的配制、比例、浓度、pH值上作了适当的调整,使虫体各部位着色清晰。
Preparation of Hematoxylin Staining Solution and Its Influencing Factors on Staining 苏木素染液的配制与染色影响因素
The authenticity of the mutant strain was confirmed by the hybridation test. When staining with iodic solution, most of the pollens showed sterility, which was in consistence with the low setting percentage of the mutant plant. 杂交试验表明,出发菌株IM02、突变株A1与金针菇单核菌丝IS02均形成了锁状联合。碘液染色检查发现绝大多数花粉不育,并与该突变株的低结实率一致。
Conclusion: The dyeing effect of reticulocyte staining solution with ion concentration of plasma osmotic pressure is better, and can be widely applied. 结论:离子浓度与血浆渗透压接近的网织红细胞染色液染色效果好,值得临床推广使用。
Conclusions: After perfusing with TA-Fe and preserving in the staining fixative solution for a long time, The structures outside of blood vessels of the samples from uterus are well stained. 结论:经灌流的子宫标本较长时间保存在媒染固定液内,导致血管外结构也被媒染;
Neutrophils of different developmental stages from peripheral blood of healthy individuals and bloody urine of patients with urinary infection show heterogeneous fluorescence on staining with 7690-Xu fluorescent staining solution. 健康人外周血和尿路感染者血尿中的、发育不同阶段的中性粒细胞经7690-Xu荧光染液染色后,可呈现异质性荧光。
Use of Unna's Polychromatic Methylene Blue Staining Solution in the Staining of Nissl Bodies in the Brain of Rabbits Unna氏多色性美蓝染液用于兔脑尼氏体染色
Staining of Esophageal and Cardiac Cancer Specimens with Lugol's Solution and Its Clinical Application 食管癌和贲门癌切除标本卢戈氏液染色观察及临床应用